
『チャンブラにて/原題: A Ciambra』/イタリア映画祭2018










自分にとってほぼ未知の世界が描かれているであろうこの映画に興味を持ちました。14歳の少年、ピオはロマとして生まれ、私とは全く異なる環境下で育ちます。大家族からは頼りにされ、自身も家族の生活を守ろうとします。自分に優しく交流してくれるアフリカからの移民青年にも愛着を感じていました。こうした感情そのものは極めて人間的です。しかしピオとその家族が生きるための手段は? いかなる人間であれ、生まれたからには生きようとするものでしょう。


Italian Film Festival 2018


I watched A Ciambraon May 4th in the Tokyo venue.

This is a 2017 Italian film directed by Jonas Carpignano. 

Like his previous work Mediterranea》, its a valuable film set in Calabria in the southern Italy , depicting the interaction with a Roma boy and his family, immigrant friends from Africa. It will be screened on May 27 in the Osaka venue as well.

Horses' eyes that appeared in the scene at the beginning.

Lemon water prepared in the morning by Pio hurried by his familiy. 

Footsteps of a white horse that leads Pio, 14 years old, at night.

Tears of Pio instead of words. Etc…a lot of unforgettable scenes for me.

I was interested in this movie, which would has been depicted an almost unknown world for me.  14 years old boy, Pio was born as Roma, and raised under a completely different environment from me. His big family relied on him. He was trying to protect his family's life. He was also attached to an immigrant young man from Africa who interacted gently with him. These feeling itself is very human. But what is the way for Pio and his family to live?  Whatever human beings are, they are going to live because they were born

How much are compensated for a human being to live for decades? I reflect quietly, and feel I will not be able to be a ideal person in all the stories of others who encounter in my life.


A Ciambrawas screened in the Directors' Fortnight section at the 2017 Cannes Film Festival, and selected as the Italian entry for the Best Foreign Language Film at the 90th Academy Awards.

東京にて、sawaroma より。

…written by SAWAROMA at Tokyo.

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