I recognized the Finnish brand LUMI for its luxury leather accessorie at Inrerior Lifestyle Tokyo 2017. In the booth, candles and skincare products were also displayed. Their scents made me imagine the Nordic landscape.
《AAMU》is a Finnish word which means"morning". The invigorating scent is still memorable for me.
And yesterday, I found this article of Wallpaper .
LUMI bags has already been launched in Japan. According to the Japan sales agent, their scent and skincare products will be on sale next year.
昨日のWallpaperの記事でも”It promotes the idea that scent can be used as a tool to conjure memory from a specific place or time,…”
LUMI 日本公式ウェブサイト
フィンランド発《LUMI》……At Interior Lifestyle Tokyo 2017
2017, 6, 16 sawaroma
東京にて、sawaroma より。
…written by SAWAROMA
at Tokyo.
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